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We’re providing 5 courses

Hifdh Full Time

The Hifdh Academy is designed to result in the memorization of the entire Noble Qur’an while developing a life long relationship with the words of Allah and instilling its love in the hearts of our students.


  • For students to recite/memorize the Noble Qur’an with correct Tajweed.

  • To ensure students retain what they memorize.

  • Developing sound Tarbiyyah (Islamic Upbringing). We accomplish this by conducting Tarbiyyah classes, speaking to our students about topics that affect them daily, going out on retreats together and giving them practical solutions through the Qur’an and the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad


  • The student must be able to recite the Noble Qur’an correctly and fluently.
  • The student must have the willingness and passion to memorize the Qur’an.
  • Preference will be given to students who already have some Hifdh background.
  • Admission will be granted after an evaluation and a placement test is taken.
  • The daily class schedule comprises of three components, revision, Previous Lessons (10 pages of most recent memorization), New lesson (new homework).

Class Outline

  • Targeted toward students who want to memorize the Quran in 2-3 years.
  • The Academic Calendar begins in August and ends in June of each year.
  • Monday-Thursday (9:00AM-1:30PM)
  • Friday (8:30AM-11:00AM)
  • Local school unified district holiday calendar will be implemented.


  • This class is at maximum capacity currently. To request a spot for your child in our upcoming Academic year, please fill out the following form.